How to capture quick slips via your mobile app or upload from desktop and link to your card statement
PostedMay 9, 2022
UpdatedJanuary 8, 2024
ByTourvest Travel Services
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A quick slip is a copy of your slip to accompany your card statement transaction. These slips need to be clear and concise as they will accompany your statement for approval, and our Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology will flag invalid, unclear and duplicate slip submissions.
There are two methods to manage your slips, the first being the most popular:
Capture your slip via your Mobile App. Within your Mobile App, you will navigate to Quick slips. Once you have clicked on this icon, it will take you through to your camera/ gallery option to capture your slip. Once captured, click OK and save your slip.
Capture your slip via your desktop (Scan and upload)Within your Expense Management Icon on your Travelit profile, you will have the option to click on Uncaptured Expenses; you would now be able to upload any slips already saved on your desktop.
All your slips captured (either from your Mobile App or desktop upload) will be ready for you to link to your card statement. To access your Card Statements, go to Expense Management Home and click on Card Recon.
You would now need to check on the following:Your name populates under the Employee Name (Claiming on behalf of someone else? Insert their name. Make sure the claimant has allocated you as their delegate requester or else you won’t have the option to claim on their behalf).
Check the correct Card is selected under the Credit Card Tab.
Once you have checked the above is correct, click on Show all statements.
Your statements will automatically pull through to weExpense and will be ready to reconcile.
To begin your Card Reconciliation, click on the statement of choice. It will have a green open status.
When you click on your statement, it will automatically begin your Card Recon process as below:
Click on create new recon claim, and confirm you have selected the correct cost centre.
Click ok, and Create New Recon Claim.
Once your statement has been created, you will be able to view the following information:
Claim Name
Claim Reference
Claim For
Card Holder
Business Unit
Cost Centre
Statement End Date
Reconciliation Summary
Within the statement, the following information is made available:
All transactions will be sitting in red under Personal Expense as no slips have been attached as yet. In order for you to begin reconciling your statement, you would need to click on Link Slip.
Once you have selected the relevant slip/ invoice, you will be directed to the Expense Slip Details. Please make sure you have correctly captured the following:
Type of payment: Corporate Card
Linked to trip: This should only be linked to a trip if applicable
Expense Category: All the expense categories have been preloaded in the back end; please contact your System Support Administrator should you have any queries.
Once your category has been chosen, you will be prompted to include Supplier Name and Reason for Expense, check your slip date and slip amount.
Note: If your slip is in Foreign Currency, insert the foreign amount and currency and it will allow you to include the ZAR Amount as per statement.
Once you have captured all the information, save your expense. This process will be followed until the entire statement has been linked to a slip/receipt or invoice.
Note: If your statement amount is higher than your claim amount, it will indicate the remainder of the claim amount as a Personal Expense.
To Change a Cost centre per statement line – click on the 3 lines at the end of the statement line.
Note: Your reconciliation summary on the right hand side will calculate as you attach your slips, to show the outstanding amount to reconcile.
You can at any point of the Open status, view a slip attached or Delete the slip attached.
You are now ready to submit your Full Card Recon statement for Approval, click on Submit Reconciliation.
Depending on the system configuration, an approval screen may be displayed; prompting you to select your Approver, you are able to include notes to the approver. If the system has been configured to incorporate a late claim approver (approval for a slip which is claimed outside the approved company policy claim period), then a late claim approver will also be selectable.
Note: If you have any Personal expense, it will prompt you to tick an acknowledgement form that the amount can be deducted from Payroll.
The approver of the statement claim will be notified by sms, email and or via the mobile application push notification that a new claim statement is awaiting their approval. Additionally, an approver will also be able to approve a statement claim using the weExpense Approve now feature!
Note: An Approver will only be able to approve or reject the statement claim in full if an approver elects to reject the statement (incorrect slips, amounts, cost centre allocations etc.), a user will have to opportunity to make corrections and resubmit for approval.
Once the claim statement has been approved, then all the transactions will be written into the Expense Data Extract (EDE).Only certain employees will have this access, to view a report of your claim at any time, open your statement and click on Reports.
The report will contain a Full Expense Report with attachments to be downloaded in a PDF format for printing.