This process involves two steps:1. Create the Trip. Submit for approval and approved.
2. During or after the trip, access the trip via Expense Management. Create a new expense claim and add the claim to the trip. Submit expense claim for approval.
Create a travel booking on Travelit by clicking on either of the below icons to initiate the booking process
Complete the booking details within the form below
Select trip details
Submit booking for approval
Upon returning from your trip or during the trip, log into the Expense Management feature on Travelit to add the expenses incurred to that trip.
Click on the New Expense Claim button as highlighted below to create a new claim.
Drag the toggle bar to the right to view trips.
Link the expense claim to trip by selecting the applicable trip line item
Complete the expense claim form below. Note, the expense has been linked to a trip.
Submit expense claim for approval.
Note: You will note an image of a plane which indicates that this expense claim is linked to a trip.