Login to Travelit. To access the login page, type in travelit.tvst.travel into your web browser (Google Chrome). Use your email address and password to login.
Click on the weExpense icon.
Select the Card Recon tab.
This will load the below page. Statements will automatically pull through and will be ready to reconcile. Note, the statement line item in the below image that has been pre-loaded into the system. Statements can be loaded into the system through an automated mechanism or by way of a manual import facility.
Transactions start off as Unreconciled as displayed within the Unreconciled column. Transaction totals will be adjusted depending on the expense category assigned to a specific statement line. Totals will now reflect as Company, Personal or a combination of Company and Personal.
Click on the Reconcile tab to begin the reconciliation process.
The system will open the create new recon claim section. Employee details will auto pull through as displayed below. A user can select and/or change both the business unit and cost centre. Ensure that all details are correct and then click on the Create New Recon Claim button.
Upon clicking on the Create New Recon Claim button, the user will be navigated to the next screen, which will populate the details of the statement, as displayed below. Note, the claim header information such as Business Unit and Cost Centre.
Business Unit and Cost Centre details can be edited as highlighted below.
Begin reconciliation by clicking on the Link Category Link (Hamburger Icon) as highlighted below.
Click on Attach a Receipt as highlighted below in order to proceed.
The system will now display a list of pre-existing receipts. If the employee has receipts that were previously loaded on the mobile application or receipts that were previously uploaded via the receipts control on weExpense, the receipts will display within the page.
A user can also upload a receipt(s) directly from this page, by clicking on the section displayed below and simply uploading an electronic version of the receipt/s from the user’s PC.
Click on the Upload receipts(s) and attach to the claim button, as displayed below.
From this view, a user can increase the size of the receipt for improved view or delete the receipt. Additional imageS can also be added. Note the statement information (i.e. info swiped from the statement). Select the applicable category. In this scenario Business/Entertainment has been assigned as personal i.e., the employee will be required to refund the business for the expense. (Back-office setup).
Complete the required fields and click SAVE.
Note, the reconciled line item below indicated by a green tick.
In the below scenario, Personal has been selected as category.
Note, the amount reflected within the Personal column as highlighted below.
When a transaction is marked as Personal, upon clicking Submit Reconciliation, the system will prompt a Personal Expense Acknowledgement, as displayed below. Search and select an approver, input applicable notes to approver, check the acknowledgement and click Submit for Approval.
Post Submit Process
Once a statement has been submitted for approval, the authoriser will get notified by sms, email and/or mobile push notification that there is a new statement claim awaiting their approval. An approver will have the option to either reject the statement claim in full or approve the statement claim in full.
Approved – A notification will be sent to finance to check and verify the statement claim. A consolidation of approved and/or verified transactions can now be used to create an expense journal file for a finance system.
Rejected In Full – A notification will be sent to the submitter to make changes to the claim (receipt images, expense categories, cost centres etc.) and resubmit for approval.