How to Persuade Others with the Right Questions: Jedi Mind Tricks

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How to Persuade Others with the Right Questions: Jedi Mind Tricks

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Open-ended questions encourage the other person to provide more detailed and thoughtful responses. These questions often begin with words like “how,” “what,” “why,” or “tell me about.” By asking open-ended questions, you invite people to share their perspectives, which can help you understand their viewpoints and build rapport. For example, instead of asking, “Did you like the presentation?” you can ask, “What did you think about the presentation?”

This technique involves asking questions that lead the other person to their own conclusions. By guiding them through a series of well-placed questions, you help them discover the answers on their own. Socratic questioning can be a powerful way to persuade because people are often more convinced by their own insights than by being told what to think.

Presenting a hypothetical scenario can make your point without directly stating it. This allows the other person to consider your perspective without feeling pressured.

 If you encounter resistance, ask questions that help you uncover the underlying concerns or objections of the other person. Once you understand their reservations, you can tailor your persuasive arguments to address those specific issues.

This approach involves asking a question that acknowledges the other person’s freedom to choose while subtly influencing their decision.

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